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Title: Descrizzione della barriera, e della mascherata, fatte in Firenze a'XVII. [et] a'XIX. di febbraio MDCXII. al s

Year: 1613Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Die blijde incoemste en Crooninghe van Coninck Karel die nege[n]ste die ghesciet is inde Stadt va[n] Reims tsw

Year: 1561]Antwrp

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Die incoemste der twee seer hoochgeboren ghesusteren ons alder genadichste[n] keysers Karolus dye vijfde van d

Year: 1535 Antwrp

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Die Triumphirende Liebe

Year: 1653 Hambrg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Discorso e particolar notitia de le feste, trionfi, pompe, e giostre fatte in Francia, dopo la conclusion de l

Year: 1559 Venice

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Discorso sopra la mascherata della geneologia degl'iddei de Gentili, mandata fuori dall'illustrissimo, [et] ec

Year: 1565Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Discours de la ioyeuse et triomphante entree de ... prince Henry IIII ... faicte en sa ville de Rou n ... .

Year: 1596 Rouen

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Discours du grand et magnifique triumphe faict au mariage du tresnoble [et] magnifique prince Francois de Valo

Year: 1558 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Discours sur les arcs triumphaux dresses en la ville d'Aix a l'heureuse arriue e de tres-chrestien ... monarqu

Year: 1624 Aix

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Discours sur les triomphes qui ont este faicts le 25. 26. [et] 27. aoust 1613. dans la ville de Paris.

Year: 1613 Lyons

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Drey schone und lustige Bucher von der Hohen Zollerischen Hochzeit welcher gestalt: ...

Year: 1599 Augsbg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: El gra[n]de y muy sumptuoso recibimiento que hizieron en la gran cibdad de Paris: al inuictissimo Emperador y

Year: n. d.] n.p.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: El triumpho et honore fatto al christianissimo re di Franza quando entro nella citta de Blessi.

Year: 1515]Venice

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Electio et coronatio sereniss. potentiss. et invictiss. principis ... Matthiae I. electi rom. imperat. semper

Year: 1612Frankft

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Eloges et discours sur la triomphante reception du roy en sa ville de Paris apres la reduction de la Rochelle

Year: 1629 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Englands Comfort, & Londons Ioy: Expressed in the Royall, Triumphant, & Magnificent Entertainment of our Dread

Year: 1641 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Entrada en publico y recibimiento grandioso de la Magestad del Catolicismo Rey don Felipe nuestro Senor en la

Year: 1619Seville

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Entrata del christianiss. re Henrico III di Francia, et di Polonia, nella citta di Mantova ... .

Year: 1574 Venice

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Entrata del christianiss[imo] re Henrico III di Francia, et di Polonia, nella citta di Mantova.

Year: 1574 Venice

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Entrata in Roma dell' eccel[issimo] ambasciatore di Polonia l'anno MDCXXXIII.

Year: 1633 Rome

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Entree de Loys XIII. Roy de France et de Navarre, dans sa ville d'Arles, le vingt-neufiesme octobre mil six ce

Year: 1623 Avignn

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Entree de tres haut et tres puissant prince Henry de Bourbon ... en la ville de Diion, le trentiesme du mois d

Year: 1632 Dijon

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Entwurf Derer Chur- und Hoch-Furstlichen Ergetzlichkeiten welche an Denen Chur- und Hoch-Furstlichen Ein- und

Year: 1655 Dresdn

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Ercole amante. Tragedia representata per le nozze delle maesta christianissime.

Year: 1662 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Esequie del serenissimo principe Francesco celebrate in Fiorenza dal serenissimo Ferdinando II. granduca di To

Year: 1634Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Esequie dell'ill[ustrissi]mp [et] ecc[ellentissi]mo principe don Francesco Medici ... .

Year: 1614Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Esplicatione de i carri trionfali fatti nella processione per la pace, tra Franza, e Spagna, dalla Scola di S[

Year: 1598 Venice

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Essequie del serenissimo don Francesco Medici gran duca di Toscana II.

Year: 1587Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Expicedium. A Funeral Oration, vpon the death of the late deceased Princesse of famous memorye, Elizabeth, by

Year: 1603 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Eynreitung Keiserlicher Maiestat auff die Kronung gen Bonania.

Year: 1529Bologna

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Festa al serenissimo Carlo Emmanuele 1o, duca di Savoja, con un balletto a madama Cristina di Franci

Year: 1879 Venice

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK


Title: Feste celebrate in Mantoua alla venuta de serenissii arciduchi Ferdinando Carlo, e Sigismondo Francesco d'Aust

Year: 1652 Mantua

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Feste et archi triumphali furono fatti nella intrata dello inuittissimo Cesare Carolo V re de Romani [et] impe

Year: n. d.] n.p.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Feste nelle nozze del serenissimo don Francesco Medici Gran Duca di Toscna; et della sereniss[ima] ... Bianca

Year: 1579Flornce

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary


Title: Festosi applausi fatti nella sapienze, collegio romano, [et] altri luoghi di Roma alla serenissima Christina r

Year: 1656 Rome

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BritishLibrary

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