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Author: Martinet, Francois Nicolas

Title: Ornithologie (intro Leslie K Overstreet & Kathryn E Zaharek) [heavily illus.]

Year: 1773-92/

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Smithsonian

Author: Nutting, P. G.

Title: Outlines of applied optics

Year: 1912 Phila.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Herschel, John Frederick William (Sir) 1

Title: Outlines of astronomy

Year: 1861 Phila.

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Scheiner, Christoph, 1575-1650

Title: Pantographice: seu ars delineandi res quaslibet per parallelogrammum lineare seu cavum, mechanicum, mobile / C

Year: 1631 Rome

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846 (b. Newp

Title: Papers of Benjamin Waterhouse, 1786-1836. 1814 A dissertation upon the effects of blood-letting, by John Fothe

Year: 1814 mss.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Title: Paracelsus,: Die geheimnisse. Ein lesebuch aus seinen schriften, mit einer lebensbeschreibung, einem abriss se

Year: 1941 Leipzg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Dechauffe, Leon Auguftin

Title: Parfums et Remedes contre la Peste,...emploie par le Roi pour guerir les perfonnes attaquees de la contagion..

Year: 1720

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WorldHealthOrg

Author: Great Britain. Patent Office

Title: Patents for Inventions: Abridgments ... Div 3: Agricultural & Traction Engines, 1618-1866

Year: 1884 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Great Britain. Patent Office

Title: Patents for Inventions: Abridgments ... [re] Air, Gas & Other Motive Power Engines, 1635-1866

Year: 1873 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Robinson, Victor

Title: Pathfinders in Medicine ... with a letter from Ernst Haeckel (intro Abraham Jacobi)

Year: 1912 NY

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Fuller, Thomas, 1654-1734

Title: Pharmacopoeia extemporanea: or, A body of prescripts. In which forms of select remedies...

Year: 1710

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Yale-Med

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, v 1 [mechanics; celestial mechanics, tides]

Year: 1833 Glasgw

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard.

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, v 2 [mechanics; celestial mechanics; tides]

Year: 1822 Glasgw

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, v 3 [mechanics; celestial mechanics; tides]

Year: 1822 Glasgw

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, v 4 [mechanics; celestial mechanics; tides]

Year: 1822 Glasgw

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Croll, Oswald, 1580-1609; Paracelsus, 1493-1541

Title: Philosophy reformed & improved, in four profound tractates. The I. discovering the great & deep mysteries of nature

Year: 1657 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Glazebrook, Richard (Sir) 1854-1935

Title: Physical Optics

Year: 1886 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCLA

Author: Potter, Richard

Title: Physical Optics, pt 2: The Corpuscular theory of Light, discussed mathematically

Year: 1859 Cambg.

Price: Free

Publisher: NYPL

Author: Aristotle

Title: Physics (tr. Robin Waterfield)

Year: 1999 Oxford

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: OxfordUP

Author: Sambursky, S.

Title: Physics of the Stoics

Year: 1959 Lond.

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Routledge

Author: Weinmann, Johann Wilhelm

Title: Phytanthoza iconographia, [4v] sive, Conspectus aliquot millium: tam indigenarum quam exoticarum, ex quatuor m

Year: 1737-45

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: MoBotanicalGdn

Author: Curie, Marie Sklodowska

Title: Pierre Curie [illus.] (tr Charlotte & Vernon Kellog)

Year: 1923

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaETextL

Author: Clark, Paul F.

Title: Pioneer microbiologists of America

Year: 1961 Madsn

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UWisconsin

Author: Meerburgh, Nicolaas

Title: Plantarum selectarum icones pictae

Year: 1798

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: MoBotanicalGdn

Author: Helmholtz, Hermann von, 1821-1894

Title: Popular lectures on scientific subjects [incl. Ice & glaciers; theory of vision; conservation of force; ...]

Year: 1885 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Mach, Ernst, 1838-1916

Title: Popular Scientific Lectures (tr. Thomas J. McCormack; 44 illus.)

Year: 1895

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Aristotle

Title: Posterior Analytics (tr. G.R.G. Mure)

Year: ca.350 BC

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MIT-InClassics

Author: Browne, Joseph

Title: Practical Treatise of the Plague, & all Pestilential Infections that have happened in this island for the last

Year: 1720

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WorldHealthOrg

Author: Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 1839-1903

Title: Preface to "Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics...Rational Foundations of Thermodynamics"

Year: 1902

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: AmerInstPhys

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Principia, reprinted for Sir William Thomson ... & Hugh Blackburn ... [repr. of Newton's last ed., 1726]

Year: 1871 Glasgo

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Principii di filosofia naturale; teoria della gravitazione, con note critiche sullo sviluppo dei concetti dell

Year: 1925 Rome

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Liebig, Justus

Title: Principles of Agricultural Chemistry, w/special reference to the late researches made in England

Year: 1855 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: Google

Author: Nystrom, John William, 1824-85

Title: Principles of dynamics...


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Lyell, Charles (Sir) 1797-1875

Title: Principles of Geology [v1] Being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's Surface, by reference

Year: 1830 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Oxford Univ

Author: Lyell, Charles (Sir) 1797-1875

Title: Principles of Geology [v2] Being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's Surface, by reference

Year: 1833 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Oxford Univ

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