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Author: Sewrin, M., 1771-1853

Title: Catherine; ou, La fille du marin; comedie en un acte melee de couplets

Year: 1824 Paris

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Sewrin, M., 1771-1853

Title: Kabri le sabotier; ou, Les chiquenaudes, comedie-feerie en un acte, melee de couplets. Representee pour la pre

Year: 1822 Paris

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Sewrin, M., 1771-1853

Title: La famille des lurons; vaudeville en un acte.Par MM. Sewrin et Chazet

Year: 1807 Paris

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Sewrin, M., 1771-1853

Title: La laitiere de Bercy; comedie anecdotique en deux actes et en prose, melee de vaudevilles

Year: 1805 Paris

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Sewrin, M., 1771-1853

Title: Le mai; ou, La fete du printemps; vaudeville villageois, en un acte.Par MM. Sewrin et Chazet

Year: 1808 Paris

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

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Author: Signol, Alphonse

Title: Le pacha et la vivandiere; ou, Un petit episode de la petite campagne de Moree; folie-vaudeville en trois tabl

Year: 1829 Paris

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Author: Simenon, Georges, 1903-

Title: Le charretier de "La Providence", roman inedit

Year: 1931

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Simenon, Georges, 1903-

Title: Maigret et l'indicateur; roman

Year: 1971 Paris

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Author: Spence, Lewis

Title: Legends & Romances of Brittany

Year: 1917] NY

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Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Stael, Madame de

Title: Signora Fantastici (tr. Frank J. Morlock)


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Author: Stael, Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine),

Title: Germany. (in English) in 2 vols.


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Author: Stanton, Domna C.

Title: The Aristocrat as Art: A Study of the Honnete Homme & the Dandy in 17th & 19th c French Literature


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Author: Starr, William Thomas

Title: ROLLAND: A Critical Bibliography of the Published Writings Of Romain Rolland

Year: 1950

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Title: La Chartreuse de Parme


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Title: La Duchesse de Palliano


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Title: Le Rouge et Le Noir


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Title: Les Cenci


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Title: Memoires d'un touriste (ed. Louis Royer)

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Title: The Charterhouse of Parma [Modern Library

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Title: The Red and the Black

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Title: Vittoria Accoramboni


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Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896

Title: La clef de la case l"oncle Tom, contenant les faits et les documents originaux sur lerequels le roman est fonde ...

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Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896

Title: La fiancee du ministre [in French]

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Title: Les Narbonnais; chanson de geste, v 2

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Title: La Cuisine Francaise. French Cooking for Every Home. Adapted to American Requirements [served as Chef de Cuisi

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Author: Terry, Patricia (Tr.)

Title: The Honeysuckle & the Hazel Tree: Medieval Stories of Men & Women

Year: 1995

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Author: Theaulon, Marie-Emmanuel-Guillaume-Margu

Title: Carmagn

Year: 1837 Paris

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Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Theaulon, Marie-Emmanuel-Guillaume-Margu

Title: Elle et lui. Comedie en un acte, melee de vaudevilles. par MM. Theaulon et Capelle

Year: 1813 Paris

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Author: Theaulon, Marie-Emmanuel-Guillaume-Margu

Title: Eveline; ou, La melancolie; drame en un acte, mele de couplets.Par MM. Theaulon, De Courcy et Gustave

Year: 1825 Paris

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