Monograph Series: U.S. Women's Bureau (U.S. Dept of Labor)


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Author Title Edition Format Price Puborg
Rogers, James Frederick Athletics for Women [US Bureau of Education] 1924] GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Shepard, Edna The trend of child labor in NY State [NY St. Dept of Labor; spec. Bull #122; Bureau of Women in Industry] 1923 Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Shepard, Edna The trend of child labor in NY State [NY St. Dept of Labor; spec. Bull #132; Bureau of Women in Industry] 1924 Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Smaltz, Rebecca G Hours & earnings in the leather-glove industry [Women's Bureau #119] 1934 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Smith, Florence P. Chronological Development of Labor Legislation for Women in the US [U.S. Dept of Labor, Women's Bureau] 1929 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Smith, Florence P. Facts about Working Women: A graphic presentation based on census statistics & studies of the Women's Bureau [ 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Smith, Florence P. State labor laws for women Dec 1937, Pt 1: Summary Pt 2: Analysis of hours laws [Women's Bureau] 1938GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Smith, Florence P. State labor laws for women Dec 1940, Pt 1: Summary Pt 2: Analysis of hours laws [Women's Bureau] 1940 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Smith, Florence P. Summary of labor legislation for women, Jan to Jun 1933: A supplement to bulletin 98 [Women's Bureau] 1933 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Stone, Edna Livingston List of references on minimum wage for women in the US & Canada [Women's Bureau #42] 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Sullivan, Mary Loretta Employment Conditions in Dept. Stores in 1932-33: A study in selected cities of 5 states [Women's Bureau #125 1936 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Sullivan, Mary Loretta Employment Conditions in Dept. Stores in 1932-33: A study in selected cities of 5 states [Women's Bureau #125 1936 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Sullivan, Mary Loretta Women in Texas industries: hours, wages, working conditions, & home work [Women's Bureau #126] 1936 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Sullivan, Mary Loretta Women's employment in vegetable canneries in Delaware [Women's Bureau #62] 1927 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Ten-hour maximum working-day for women & young persons [U.S. Dept of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics] 1913 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Dept Labor, Women's Bureau U.S. Dept. of Labor, Women's Bureau Publications: see Link
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Activities of the Women's Bureau of the US [Women's Bureau #86; health & safety, earnings & hours] 1931 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Changes since 1921 in State Laws affecting women's hours & wages (suppl. to Bull. #16) [Women's Bureau] 1923?] GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Effects of applied research upon the employment opportunities of American women [ #50] 1926 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Fact finding with the Women's Bureau [Women's Bureau #84] 1931 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Family status of breadwinning women in 4 selected cities [#41; rev of #23] Jacksonville FL; Wilkes-Barre & Ha 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Family status of breadwinning women in 4 selected cities [#41; rev of #23] Jacksonville FL; Wilkes-Barre & Ha 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Home environment & employment opportunities of women in coal-mine workers' families [#45] 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Iowa women in industry [#19] 1922 Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Labor laws for women in industry in Indiana: report of a survey ... to the governor of Indiana [#2; formerly: 1919 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Negro Women in Industry [#20] 1922 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Night-work laws in the US: brief summary of State Legislation regulating night work for women [# 7] 1920 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Prelim.of a survey of wages, hours, & conditions of work of women in industry in Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 1920 1920 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Preliminary report of a survey of wages, hours, & conditions of work of the women in industry in Georgia 1920- 1921 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Proposed employment of women during war in the industries of Niagara Falls, NY [#1] 1919] Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Special study of wages paid to women & minors in Ohio industries prior & subsequent to the Ohio minimum wage l 1936 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Standards for the employment of women in industry 1921 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Summary of 1938, 1939, & 1940 state hour laws for women [suppl to #156-II] 1940 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Summary: the effects of labor legislation on the employment opportunities of women [# 68] 1928 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The 8-hour day in federal & state legislation: summary of ... 8-hour laws in effect in the US, 1920 [#5] 1921 2dGPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The commercialization of the home through industrial home work [#135] 1935 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The effects of labor legislation on the employment opportunities of women [#65] 1928 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The employment of women in hazardous industries in the U.S.: ... state & federal laws regulating ..., 1919 [Wo 1919 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The employment of women in the sewing trades of Connecticut: preliminary report [Women's Bureau #97] 1932 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The family status of breadwinning women: A study of material in the census schedules of a selected locality [# 1922 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The installation & maintenance of toilet facilities in places of employment [#99] 1933 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) The new position of women in American industry [#12] 1920 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Women in Ohio industries: A study of hours & wages [#44] 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Women in the fruit-growing & canning industries in Washington state: ... hours, wages & conditions [#47] 1926 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Women workers & family support: A study made by students in the Economics course, Bryn Mawr ... [#49] 1925 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Women workers in the 3rd year of the Depression: A study made by students ... Bryn Mawr ... [#103] 1933 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
U.S. Women's Bureau (Dept of Labor) Women's contributions in the field of invention: A study of the records of the US Patent Office [#28] 1923 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Van Kleeck, Mary What industry means to women workers [Women's Bureau #31] 1923 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Voris, Ruth Irene Women in Illinois industries: A study of hours & working conditions [Women's Bureau #51] 1926 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Voris, Ruth Irene Women in N.J. industries: A study of wages & hours [Women's Bureau #37] 1924 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Voris, Ruth Irene Women in Oklahoma industries: A study of hours, wages & working conditions [Women's Bureau #48] 1926 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Wadlin, Horace Greeley Women in Industry [Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1889, pt 7] 1890 Bost. Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Watson, Amey Brown Eaton Household employment in Philadelphia [Women's Bureau #93] 1932 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Weber, Gustavus Adolphus The Women's Bureau: Its history, activities, & organization 1923 Balt Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Webster, George Washington A physiological basis for the shorter working day for women [Women's Bureau] 1921 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Health problems of women in industry [Women's Bureau #18] 1921 Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Home work in Bridgeport, Connecticut [Women's Bureau # 9] 1920 Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Hours & conditions of work for women in industry in Virginia [Women's Bureau #10] 1920 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Married women in industry [Women's Bureau #38] 1924 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Radio talks on women in industry [US Women's Bureau #36] 1924 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Some effects of legislation limiting hours of work for women [U.S. Women's Bureau #15] 1921 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson The share of wage-earning women in family support [US Women's Bureau #30] 1923 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Women street car conductors & ticket agents [US Women's Bureau #11] 1921 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Winslow, Mary Nelson Women's wages in Kansas [US Women's Bureau #17] 1921 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard
Women's Industrial Conference Proceed. of the Women's Industrial Conference: called by the Women's Bureau, US Dept of Labor, Wash, DC, Jan, 1923 GPO Graphic Txt Free Harvard

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