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Author: Hamilton, James Cleland

Title: The Panis: An Historical Outline of Canadian Indian Slavery in the 18th c.


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Title: Resources of Arizona: Its Mineral, Farming, & Grazing Lands, Towns, & Mining Camps; Its Rivers, Mountains, Pla

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Title: Education of Native Americans: Hampton Institute, 1878-1923

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Title: Tribe under Trust: A Study of the Blackfoot Reserve of Alberta

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Title: A History of the Timucua Indians & Missions

Year: 1966

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Author: Hanna, Charles Augustus, 1863-1950

Title: The Wilderness Trail; or, The ventures & adventures of the Pennsylvania traders on the Allegheny path, v1 [ill

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Author: Hanna, Charles Augustus, 1863-1950

Title: The Wilderness Trail; or, The ventures & adventures of the Pennsylvania traders on the Allegheny path, v2 [ill

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Title: Nine Years a Captive, Or, John Gyles' Experience Among the Malicite Indians, From 1689 to 1698

Year: 1875

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Author: Hardenbergh, John Leonard, 1748-1806

Title: The journal of Lieut. John L Hardenbergh, 2nd NY Continental Reg., May 1 - Oct 3, 1779, in Sullivan's campaign

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Author: Harjo, Joy, 1951-

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Title: Indians In The Making

Year: 1998

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Title: A Journal of Voyages & Travels in the Interior of North America, ... 47th - 58th degreee of N. lat., from Mont

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Author: Harvey, Henry

Title: History of the Shawnee Indians, from the year 1681 to 1854, inclusive

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Author: Hatch, William Stanley

Title: A chapter of the history of the War of 1812 in the NW ... surrender of the ... Army & Fort, at Detroit, Aug 16

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Author: Hauptman, Laurence M

Title: Formulating American Indian Policy In New York State 1970-1986

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Author: Hauptman, Laurence M

Title: The Iroquois in the Civil War

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Title: A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the northern ocean in the years 1769-1772

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Author: Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 174

Title: Indian Tradition of the First Arrival of the Dutch, at Manhattan Island, now NYC


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Title: The travels of John Heckewelder in Frontier America [evangelist to the Indians]

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Author: Helm, June

Title: Prophecy And Power Among The Dogrib Indians

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Author: Henri, Florette

Title: The Southern Indians And Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816

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Title: The Journal of Alexander Henry the Younger, 1799-1814, v. 1 (Champlain Society) [North West]

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Publisher: ChamplainSoc

Author: Henry, Alexander (1739-1824)

Title: The Journal of Alexander Henry the Younger, 1799-1814, v. 2 (Champlain Society) [North West]

Year: 1988-92

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ChamplainSoc

Author: Henry, Alexander (elder) (1739-1824)

Title: Travels & adventures in Canada & the Indian territories between the years 1761-1776: In two parts [illus.]

Year: 1801 NY

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