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Author: Hunter, James 1817-1881 & Jean Ross Hunt

Title: Oo meyo achimoowin St. John: The Gospel according to St. John, tr. into the language of the Cree Indians, dioc

Year: 1855 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UAlberta

Author: Hunter, James 1817-1881 & Jean Ross Hunt

Title: Portions of the Book of Common Prayer according to the use of the United Church of England & Ireland, in the l

Year: London: , 1

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UAlberta

Author: Hunter, Jean Ross 1822-1910

Title: Nistum oo mamowe mussinahumakawin John: The first epistle general of John: Tr. into the language of the Cree [

Year: 1855 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UAlberta

Author: Hunter, John Dunn 1798?-1827

Title: Memoirs of a Captivity Among the Indians of North America ["reared by the Kansas & Osage"]

Year: 1824 3edLon

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Voices19cAmer

Author: Hunter, John Dunn, 1798-1827

Title: Manners & customs of several Indian tribes west of the Mississippi; ... soil, climate, & vegetable productions

Year: 1823 Phila.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Hunter, John Dunn, 1798-1827

Title: Memoirs of a captivity among the Indians of N.A., from childhood to age 19; ... their manners & customs. ... t

Year: 1824 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Huntington, Ellsworth

Title: The Red Man's Continent

Year: 1920NHavn

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Huntington, Ellsworth

Title: The Red Man's Continent: A chronicle of Aboriginal America (Chronicles of Amer. Ser. # 1)

Year: 1920NHavn

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Huntington, Oliver Boardman, 1823-1907

Title: Diaries, 1843-1932 (vol 8) [Mormon missionary; violent contact w/Indians; expl rte to Nevada; Ute; schoolteac

Year: 200-?

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: BYU [LC]

Author: Huntington, Oliver Boardman, 1823-1907

Title: Diaries, 1843-1932 (vol 9) [Mormon missionary; violent contact w/Indians; expl rte to Nevada; Ute; schoolteac

Year: 200-?

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: BYU [LC]

Author: Huntington, Oliver Boardman, 1823-1907

Title: Diaries, 1843-1932 (vol 10) [Mormon missionary; violent contact w/Indians; expl rte to Nevada; Ute; schoolteac

Year: 200-?

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: BYU [LC]

Author: Huntington, Oliver Boardman, 1823-1907

Title: Diaries, 1843-1932 (vol 11) [Mormon missionary; violent contact w/Indians; expl rte to Nevada; Ute; schoolteac

Year: 200-?

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: BYU [LC]

Author: Hurlburt, Thomas

Title: Ipisietopiw [consists of: Paul to the Ephesians, General epistle of James, Second epistle general of Peter, F

Year: 1857] NWT

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UAlberta

Author: Hyde, George E., 1882-1968

Title: The Pawnee Indians

Year: 1988

Price: 17.95

Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Irving, John Treat

Title: Indian Sketches: Taken During an Expedition to the Pawnee Tribes in 1833

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 7.95

Publisher: NarrativePr

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The Adventures of Captain Bonneville,...Adventures in the Far West [w/map]

Year: 1849rev

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MountnMen

Author: Isbister, Alexander Kennedy 1822-1883

Title: A few words on the Hudson's Bay Co.: w/grievances of the native & half-caste Indians, ... to the British Gover

Year: 1846?] Lond

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UAlberta

Author: Ivanhoe, Caron

Title: Au Grand Lac Victoria [Quebec]: Etude historique et topographique [Algonquian Indians--Catholic church--missi

Year: 1913 Quebec

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Iverson, Peter

Title: The Plains Indians Of The Twentieth Century

Year: 1985

Price: 14.95

Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Iverson, Peter

Title: When Indians Became Cowboys

Year: 1994

Price: 15.95

Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: J. R. Walker

Title: The Sun Dance & Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota

Year: 1917

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Jackson, Helen Hunt

Title: A Century of Dishonor: A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with Some of the Indian Tribes

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 4.95

Publisher: DigitalScan

Author: Jackson, John A

Title: Bella Bella Transformed [Woman's Missionary Society, Methodist Ch., Canada] [British Columbia]

Year: 1898ca

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Jackson, John A.

Title: Bella Bella transformed [Woman's Missionary Soc. of the Methodist Church; Indians--missions; BC]

Year: 1898Toronto

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Jackson, John A.

Title: Bella Bella Transformed [Woman's Missionary Soc., Methodist Church, Canada]

Year: 1898ca]

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Jackson, Robert H. (Robert Howard

Title: Indian Population Decline

Year: 1994

Price: 16.95

Publisher: UNewMexicoPr

Author: Jackson, Robert H. (Robert Howard

Title: Indians, Franciscans, And Spanish Colonization

Year: 1995

Price: 17.95

Publisher: UNewMexicoPr

Author: Jackson, Robert H. (Robert Howard

Title: Liberals, The Church, And Indian Peasants

Year: 1997

Price: 47.50

Publisher: UNewMexicoPr

Author: Jackson, Sheldon, 1834-1909

Title: British Columbia [incl. B-C missions among Indians]

Year: 1889]

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Jackson, Sheldon, 1834-1909

Title: British Columbia [missions]

Year: 1889]

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Jacobs, Wilbur R

Title: Dispossessing The American Indian

Year: 1985

Price: 15.95

Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Jaenen, Cornelius J.

Title: Friend & Foe: Aspects of French-Amerindian Cultural Contact in the 16th & 17th Centuries


Format: Questia

Price: subs


Author: James Mooney

Title: Myths of the Cherokee

Year: 1900

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: James Mooney

Title: Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees

Year: 1891

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: James, Edwin, 1797-1861

Title: Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, V. 1 [1819-20] [Stephen H Long Expedition; O

Year: 1823 Carey

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: BYU [LC]

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