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Author: McLaughlin, Marie L

Title: Myths and Legends of the Sioux


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Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: McLaughlin, Marie L

Title: Myths and Legends of the Sioux [illus.; Mdewakanton & Dakotas]

Year: 1916

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: McLaughlin, Marie L

Title: Myths and Legends of the Sioux [illus.]

Year: 1916

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: McLean, John 1799-1890 et. al.

Title: Notes of a Twenty-five Year's Service in the Hudson's Bay Territories [Champlain Society] [Labrador]

Year: 1932

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Publisher: ChamplainSoc

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Title: Notes of a 25 years' service in the Hudson's Bay Territory [mostly Pacific slope & Labrador; incl "Vocablulary

Year: 1849 Lond..

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Author: Meacham, Alfred Benjamin

Title: Wigwam & war-path: or, The royal chief in chains


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Year: 1907

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Author: Megapolensis, Johannes, 1603-1669

Title: Sketch of the Mohawk Indians in New Netherland: land, stature, dress, manners, magistrates 1644


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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Melander, Richard

Title: I Sitting Bulls land: skildring fran granslifvet i Amerikanska vastern [Dakota indian wars 1876; Missouri, Swe

Year: 1892Stkhlm

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Publisher: Harvard

Author: Mernin, G. E. (comp.)

Title: Nez Perce at Yellowstone, 1877

Year: 2006

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Publisher: NatPkServ

Author: Merriam, C. Hart

Title: The Dawn of the World: Myths & Weird Tales Told by the Mewan [Miwok] Indians of California [illus.; central Ca

Year: 1910

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Publisher: Yosemite

Author: Merriam, C. Hart

Title: The Dawn Of The World: Myths & Weird Tales [of] the Mewan of Ca

Year: 1993

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Publisher: UNebraskaPr

Author: Merriam, C. Hart (comp.)

Title: The Dawn of the World: Myths & Weird Tales Told by the Mewan [Miwok] Indians of California

Year: 1910]Clvlnd

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Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Messiter, Charles Alston (b.1841)

Title: Sport & adventures among the North-American Indians

Year: 1890 Lond.

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Publisher: UAlberta

Author: Metcalfe, Samuel L., 1798-1856

Title: A collection of ... narratives of Indian warfare in the West, ... Daniel Boone, ... manners, & customs, tradit

Year: 1913 NY

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Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Metcalfe, Samuel Lytler, 1798-1856

Title: A collection of some of the most interesting narratives of Indian warfare in the West:...Daniel Boone...Gen'ls

Year: 1821

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Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Methodist Church (Can.) Missionary Soc.

Title: Letter from the Methodist Missionary Society to the Superintendent- General of Indian Affairs [re] British Col

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Author: Methvin, J. J

Title: Andele, The Mexican-Kiowa Captive

Year: 1996

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Author: Meyer, H.

Title: Dein Reich komme!: Missionsvortrage [mission work with deaf, indians, immigrants, African Americans; Lutheran

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Publisher: Harvard

Author: Meyer, Roy W.

Title: History of the Santee Sioux: US Indian Policy on Trial

Year: 1993

Format: Questia

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Publisher: UNebraskaPr

Author: Michelson, Truman

Title: The Owl Sacred Pack of the Fox Indians


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Author: Milanich, Jerald T.

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Year: 1995

Format: Questia

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Publisher: UPrFlorida

Author: Milanich, Jerald T. & Charles Hudson

Title: Hernando De Soto & the Indians of Florida

Year: 1993

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Author: Miller, Jan

Title: Salmon, the Lifegiving Gift [Salmon Priest of the Skagit River] [northwest]

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Author: Miller, Jay

Title: Alaskan Tlingit & Tsimshian (Web essay: housing, doctors, trade, history)

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Publisher: UWashington

Author: Milner, Clyde A., 1948-

Title: Churchmen And The Western Indians, 1820-1920

Year: 1985

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Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Miner, H. Craig

Title: The Corporation And The Indian

Year: 1989

Price: 14.95

Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Minnis, Paul E

Title: Biodiversity And Native America

Year: 2000

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Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Mishkin, Bernard

Title: Rank And Warfare Among The Plains Indians

Year: 1992

Price: 6.95

Publisher: UNebraskaPr

Author: Mishra, Vijay

Title: Devotional Poetics & The Indian Sublime

Year: 1998

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Author: Monnett, John H

Title: The Battle Of Beecher Island And The Indian War Of 1867-1869

Year: 1992

Price: 19.95

Publisher: UPrColorado

Author: Montejo, Victor

Title: The Bird Who Cleans the World: & Other Mayan Fables (tr. Wallace Kaufman)

Year: 1991

Format: Questia

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Publisher: CurbstonePr

Author: Moore, John H., 1939-

Title: The Political Economy Of North American Indians

Year: 1993

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Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Moore-Willson, Minnie, b. 1863

Title: The Birds of the Everglades & their neighbors the Seminole Indians

Year: 1920

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UFlorida

Author: Moore-Willson, Minnie, b. 1863

Title: The Seminoles of Florida

Year: 1999

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UFlorida

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