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Council on Library & Information Resources
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Pick of the Weekend
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Information Today
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Internet Publications Bureau
WWW Virtual Library
Australian National University
"Historians love this site . . . Professors who teach Historical Research always include a link to
the DBI in their 'first-day-of-class' speech."
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"One major area of difficulty in the electronic book area of publishing has been
bibliographic control. Libraries do not include, in many cases, free resources on the web
as cataloged records in library OPACs . . . A very useful resource in this area for
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Temple University
"Digital Book Index is presently the single best [index] of commercial and non-commercial ebooks."
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University of Tennessee
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best wishes to you hard-working people."
—Regards, C. J., (Australia)
"This is a big improvement over the sites I've been recommending to students. . . .
Thanks very much . . ."
—Jonathan Betz-Zall (Branch Librarian)
City University, Everett, WA
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Thornton Friends School
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Adromischus Displayed (UK)

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"This is a great resource for primary sources."
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You may go down and not surface for a week or two, but it'll be worth it."
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"You may also be interested in the Digital Book Index for Archaeology,
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"EUI members should check the Library Catalogue for titles where full-text is not available.
About 140,000 of these books, texts, and documents are available [at DBI] free of charge"
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"Important open access links [DBI]"
—Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology (India)
"Thousands of digital books ... Most available at no charge."
—Fordham University Library
Copyright (C)
2000-2012 Digital Book Index
Burt Franklin & Sons (New York)